Dear SunSpec Members and Supporters,
With the SunSpec Alliance now well into the second decade of its quest to establish renewable- and distributed energy as the first and best source of energy for the world, I can’t help but to reflect on the idea that spurred us to take our first steps: the Network Effect and, more specifically, Metcalfe’s Law.
Metcalfe’s law states tha t the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system. Experts agree that it characterizes many of the network effects of communication technologies such as the Internet, social networking and now Distributed Energy Resources (DERs).
The size of the DER network is relatively small and far from delivering the societal impacts of the Internet, but that day is coming. How do we know? It’s in the numbers. Let’s take a look at what is occuring in the SunSpec ecosystem.
In the past 24 months, nearly 10,000 individuals from 3,276 organizations in 98 countries have downloaded SunSpec specifications. The result has been 140 new SunSpec Certified product lines (690 discrete products) being delivered to market. These products are installed in systems in the U.S., Australia, China, the EU and Latin America. The SunSpec AHJ Registry, a web service for geolocating future DER systems in the U.S. surpassed 300,000 queries in the past 30 days. All of this occured before the state-level adoption of U.S. grid codes that mandate SunSpec standards or the application of the standards to the EV market that will occur in 2023.
So let’s talk about the human side of this network. First, many of us will be getting together at RE+ during the week of September 19-22 in Anaheim, California. The SunSpec team will be there in force and we look forward to seeing you. Second, we are happy to announce that registration is now open for the SunSpec Alliance 2022 Annual Member Meeting and DER Technology Conference to be held December 7 & 8 in Las Vegas. If your company is planning to deliver an interoperable DER product or service to market in 2023, ]you need to be there. We’re planning an intense technical agenda and have reserved plenty of time to make meet, talk, have fun, and expand the global SunSpec network. Onward!
Kind Regards,

Tom Tansy
SunSpec Alliance
SunSpec Alliance 2022 Annual Member Meeting and DER Technology Conference
Early Bird pricing available now!
SunSpec sets the communication standards that define Distributed Energy Resource (DER) management and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging industries. These standards and the technologies are going mainstream. Are you ready? Come to the SunSpec Alliance 2022 Annual Member Meeting and DER Technology Conference to prepare for what’s ahead.
Big Picture: In 2023, IEEE©1547-2018, the U.S. national standard for DER, will be adopted across the country and unleash the market for networked DER and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging. The Inflation Reduction Act has earmarked $370 billion dollars to deploy these types of technology solutions. This is a golden opportunity.
Join us in Las Vegas to learn how to leverage the SunSpec technology advantage, shape the smart energy future, network with colleagues, and celebrate our collective success.
Register Here
SunSpec Team Will Be At RE+ 2022 from September 19-22
Let’s meet in Anaheim!
Please join the SunSpec team at the largest U.S. gathering of industry experts, leaders, and professionals from the solar, energy storage, smart energy, microgrid solutions, and EV infrastructure industry for three days of networking and thought leadership at RE+ 2022 in Anaheim, CA.
If you would like to meet with us, please email membership@sunspec.org to set an appointment.
On Wednesday, September 21 at 9:30 AM we invite you to join SunSpec’s Tom Tansy as he participates on a panel titled “Securing the Grid: Protecting our Energy Access.”
Certificate Number: CS-000053
Manufacturer: FOXESS CO., LTD.
Product Type: Aggregator
Products: FoxESS IEEE2030.5 Aggregator Client
Certificate Number: CS-000054
Manufacturer: SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co. ,Ltd.
Product Type: Aggregator
Products: Solaxcloud Aggregator
Certificate Number: CS-000055
Manufacturer: Nuvve Holding Corp.
Product Type: Aggregator
Products: Nuvve GIVe Platform
Certificate Number: SM-000022
Manufacturer: GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.
Product Type: Inverter
SunSpec Modbus Models: 1, 103, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 160 |
Certificate Number: SM-000023
Manufacturer: SolaX Power Network Technology (Zhejiang) Co. ,Ltd.
Product Type: Inverter
Products: A1-ESS-G2
Product Models:
SunSpec Modbus Models: 1, 701, 702, 703, 713, 714, 715 |
Gain access to valuable information by becoming a Member of the SunSpec Alliance and joining a SunSpec Work Group. The work groups listed below are currently active and meeting to address their objectives.
To prepare for the next generation of device integration, the SunSpec (Modbus) Device Interface work group will publish a RESTful Web Services interface for review in October 2022.
Stay tuned for details. |
The SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV Charging Profile Work Group promoted its IEEE 2030.5 / V2G AC Profile from DRAFT to TEST. This profile is now ready for implementation and is headed for APPROVED status soon. |
In August, the SunSpec & Sandia DER Cybersecurity Work Group produced its 21st consecutive monthly webinar featuring experts from Mitre. Visit our video library to see this latest episode and sign up to participate. |
The SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Conformance Profiles Work Group is now meeting to update the testing procedures for all profiles. We need your expertise. |
The SunSpec Rapid Shutdown Work Group certifying new implementations of the SunSpec standard. |
The SunSpec Australian Market Advisory Council is meeting every other week to share information and compare notes. The next revision of IEEE 2030.5 will be published in 2023 and will include Australia-specified requirements! |
The SunSpec Cybersecurity Certification Work Group is meeting every other week to create a cybersecurity certification program for gateway devices that support IEEE 2030.5. The program will be launched in
December 2022. |
SunSpec Alliance™ is the information standards and certification organization for the Distributed Energy Resource (DER) industry.