SunSpec Market Bulletin: CA Rule 21 Smart Inverter Communications Requirements February 22, 2019 Deadline Extended to August 22, 2019 – SunSpec Alliance
January 3, 2019
The California Public Utilities Commission issued a letter responding to the November 19, 2018 deadline extension request letter from the California Solar & Storage Association and extending the compliance deadline for Smart Inverter Phase II communications requirements and for Phase III Functions 1 and 8 from February 22, 2019 to August 22, 2019.
January 24, 2019 Workshop: SunSpec will address ramifications of the deadline extension at its upcoming CA Rule 21 Executive Workshop in San Diego. See workshop registration information here.
Text of Letter
“Under the authority provided for in the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, Section I 6.6, the compliance deadline for Smart Inverter Phase II communications requirements, pursuant to Resolution E-4832, OP 2 and 4, and for Phase III Functions I and 8, pursuant to Resolution E-4898, OP 2.a, is extended to August 22, 2019.
This deadline extension letter is in response to the letter of November 19, 2018 from the California Solar & Storage Association (CALSSA). CALSSA requested a six-month extension of the deadline to comply with the Smart Inverter Phase [I communications requirements ordered in Resolution E-4832 and an equivalent delay in the deadline for compliance with Phase 11J Functions I and 8, as established by Resolution E-4898 (the “deadline extension request” or “CALSSA request”). This request would extend the deadline from February 22, 2019 to August 22, 2019.
CALSSA served its request on the service list of Rulemaking (R.) 11-09-01 I and of R.17-07-007. Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric responded to the CALSSA request affirming their non-opposition to the deadline extension request.
Due to the complex technical and procedural nature of the rollout of Rule 21 smart inverter capabilities, the complete background and discussion of the CALSSA request have been appended to this letter; see Appendix A.
We find that the extension requested by CALSSA is necessary. Additional time will provide both industry and the utilities more opportunity to smoothly roll of this rule change.
This deadline extension request applies only to the Smart Inverter Phase II communications requirements and to Functions 1 and 8 of the Smart Inverter Phase III requirements. It does not affect Smart Inverter Phase III Functions 5 or 6, which, pursuant to Resolution E-4898, OP 2.a, will be required for all inverter-based generating facilities as of February 22, 2019.
In conclusion, the compliance deadline for Smart Inverter Phase II communications requirements, pursuant to Resolution E-4832, OP 2 and 4, and for Phase III Functions 1 and 8, pursuant to Resolution E-4898, OP 2.a, is extended to August 22, 2019.”