SUNSPEC Dashboard

Sunspec Dashboard
The SunSpec Dashboard by DER Security is Microsoft Windows software for developing SunSpec Modbus communication interfaces for DER products and devices. Available at no cost to SunSpec members, this software offers these benefits for product developers:
- Reduces software development time required to implement SunSpec Modbus interfaces.
- Quickly prepares your product for SunSpec Certification.
- Can be used to troubleshoot SunSpec Certified DER products in the field.
SunSpec Dashboard is part of a DERSec LabTest family of products that includes DERSec LabTest Plus, a communication protocol test solution for certifying products to the SunSpec Modbus standard, and DERSec LabTest Pro, fully automated functional- and interoperability test solution for certifying DER devices to the IEEE 1547 and UL 1741 standards using SunSpec Modbus, IEEE 2030.5, or DNP3.
Download and Install SunSpec Dashboard
To access SunSpec Dashboard, you must be an active member of the SunSpec Alliance. To become a member, please click here.
The license activation key will be emailed to you.
SunSpec Dashboard offers device interaction and ad hoc testing capabilities to assist product developers through the implementation process of a SunSpec Modbus-enabled device.
- Interact with SunSpec Modbus-enabled devices in real time with the ability to scan, discover information models and allow interaction with each information model’s content, including 700 series models.
- Automatically generate a Protocol Information Conformance Statement (PICS) for interrogated devices to support SunSpec certification submission.
- Full read/write support for SunSpec Modbus TCP and RTU.
- View precise SunSpec Modbus address and data contents for easy association between the SunSpec Modbus map and SunSpec model organization.
- Generate and store new vendor specific SunSpec information models.
- Generate custom SunSpec model reference documents in XLSX format.
- Create SunSpec information model definitions from XLSX spreadsheets.
- Export SunSpec Modbus device images for archiving and diagnostic purposes.
Members of the SunSpec Alliance may upgrade to DERSec LabTest Plus–for SunSpec Modbus for IEEE 1547 testing and certification, or DERSec LabTest Pro–for automated IEEE 1547 and UL 1741 functional- and interoperablity testing, and receive a substantial member discount. For details, or to schedule a demo, contact
Download the SunSpec Dashboard Data Sheet for a complete overview of the features, benefits, and specifications.
Use this guide for assistance during the SunSpec Dashboard installation process:
For information about SunSpec Modbus 700 series models, visit the Specifications page:
If you need any help with the software, information about how to implement SunSpec Modbus, or to report a bug, please contact Support at the link below.
Software Service and Support Form
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