DER Communication / Cybersecurity at SPI – SunSpec Alliance

September 5, 2019

With the introduction of IEEE 2030.5 and IEEE 1815 communication protocols and the new communication requirements of IEEE 1547-2018, which will begin rolling out across the U.S. in 2020, understanding communication protocols and how they affect the DER industry is important. These protocols, inherent in smart inverters, gateways or other communication devices, also introduce a new responsibility for DER systems to support cybersecurity. The SunSpec Common Smart inverter profile (CSIP) addresses IEEE 2030.5 standards and has implications in how to address wider IEEE 1547-2018 standards. 

Dr. Robby Simpson of GE Grid Solutions, with support from SunSpec, will address DER communication protocols in a compelling talk on Tuesday, September 24th. 


Emerging Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Communication Protocols and their Impact on Grid Interconnection and Security
11:30 – 11:45 am
Tuesday, September 24
Location 253A

SunSpec personnel will also be available for questions regarding the poster overview of the results of the California Energy Commission EPC-14-036 project which found that smart inverters can safely be installed at DER penetration levels of 100%. This addresses the previously held limitation of 15% penetration of DER generation. If you can’t make it to the poster reception, be sure to stop by the poster display and review the findings.

Poster Reception

Smart Inverters Can Safely be Installed at DER Penetration Levels of 100% or Higher
5:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, September 24
Location Poster Showcase Area, Booth 4680

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