California Rule 21 Phase 2 Goes Into Effect This Month

2030.5 / CSIP NewsArticlesCA Rule 21 ModbusCertification NewsCSIPFeaturedIEEE 2030.5Member NewsNewsSunSpec News
June 10, 2020

Attestation requirements kick in and new CEC equipment list is published.

Dear SunSpec Alliance Members and Friends,

On June 22, 2020, California Rule 21 Phase 2 (and part of Phase 3) communication requirements go into effect. After that time, any solar inverter or energy storage system installed in California must have “demonstrated the capability” to communicate using IEEE 2030.5 protocols and the Common Smart Inverter Profile (CSIP). Proof can be achieved by connecting a DER power conversion product to a SunSpec Certified client gateway or aggregator that supports IEEE 2030.5/CSIP, running an ad hoc test, having an attestation letter written by a testing authority or the IEEE 2030.5/CSIP product provider, and providing this documentation to the California Energy Commission (CEC).
It is a somewhat complicated process and we are happy to offer guidance to members who ask for it.
Successful applications will be listed on the new CEC Solar Equipment Lists website. This new web site codifies information that was previously best understood only by attendees of the CA Rule 21 Smart Inverter Working Group and links to other important information of interest to manufacturers and installers (like attestation forms). We salute the CEC for completing a successful roll out of this site!

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