SunSpec Certification Application


Certification Application

  1. To request SunSpec Certification, select a “Certification Type” and complete the form. The price of all Certification Types is $5,000 for SunSpec Alliance Members and $10,000 for Non-Members.
  2. If you choose the Certification Type “SunSpec Modbus for IEEE 1547,” you may also select SunSpec Express Test service and DERSec LabTest Plus test software. The price of SunSpec Express Test is $5,000 for all. The price of DERSec LabTest Plus is $9,999 for SunSpec members and $14,999 for others.
  3. You will not be billed for any services until SunSpec approves your application and receives a valid purchase order from your company. If you have any questions, please contact

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Certification Type*

Certification Type

Company Information

Company Address

Primary Contact Information

Primary Contact Name

Billing Information (if different from above)

Billing Contact Name

Preferred Authorized Test Lab (ATL)*