Bureau Veritas – SunSpec Alliance

Bureau Veritas is a world leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification. Our mission is at the heart of key challenges: quality, health and safety, environmental protection, and social responsibility. Through our wide range of expertise, impartiality, and independence, we foster confidence between companies, public authorities, and clients. Bureau Veritas is a Business to Business to Society company, contributing to transform the world we live in. Driven by society, we are working ever more closely with our clients, addressing today’s crucial challenges, and answering society’s aspirations.
Bureau Veritas can help you comply with the full range of safety and performance requirements for renewable energy products globally. we take cybersecurity seriously and can be your companion on the cyber compliance journey. Especially where distributed energy resources (DER) are attached to critical infrastructure like the electric grid. For more information about our testing, inspection, and certification services, visit our website. www.cps.
Contact (US)
Radhe Patel, Director, Solar and Renewable Energy
Contact (China)
Michael Beine – BU Manager
M: +49 2102 749 405