IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV CHarging Profile WORK GROUP

IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV CHarging Profile WORK GROUP Conformance Profiles Work Group

The mission of the SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV Charging Profile Work Group is to produce a SunSpec Application Profile that defines how IEEE 2030.5 data communications can be utilized to support electric vehicle charging systems that comply with the SAE J3072 EV charging standard.

Group Leaders

Member Leader(s):

Gordon Lum, Kitu Systems

Dr. Rodney McGee, University of Delaware

Tom Tansy, DER Security Corp

SunSpec Moderator:

Kudrat Kaur

Topics Covered

This work group is defining these SunSpec specifications:

  • IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV Charging Profile
  • IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV Charging Profile Test Procedures


Work group participation is open to members of the SunSpec Alliance and the Society of Automative Engineers (SAE). SunSpec members may enroll through the Member Portal under ‘work groups’. SAE members should contact

Click here to see if your company is already a member or click here to join the Alliance.

Meeting Scheduled

This is a sub-group of the SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Profiles Work Group which meets Wednesdays at 8am PT.

The next meeting is March 8, 2023.


EV charging demand is growing rapidly. Communication between EV charging system actors (vehicles, chargers, electrical grid) is critical for all stakeholders. The IEEE 2030.5 data communication standard, specified in federal- and state interconnection regulations, is well suited to the EV charging application. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has agreed to partner with us on this effort. We appreciate their support.

Specification for Review

This form is intended to collect input, suggestions and technical feedback that will be integrated into SunSpec Alliance specifications and test specifications currently awaiting approval. 

By filling out this form, Responder agrees that any such feedback is given on a non-confidential basis and hereby waives any confidentiality restrictions for such Feedback. In addition, Responder grants to SunSpec Alliance a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicensable through multiple tiers of sublicensees, royalty-free right and license under Responder’s copyrights to use, copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works and directly or indirectly distribute, make available and communicate to public the Feedback in or in connection to any SunSpec Alliance work products.

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