SunSpec Register DER Installation Considerations
About the Course
You will gain access to the course that will provide individuals wishing to become network technicians in the energy business with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to install, configure, and operate DER networks on rooftop, commercial, and utility-scale energy generation systems.
With the passage of IEEE 1547-2018, as of 2021 nearly all Distributed Energy Resources, including solar PV, energy storage systems, and natural gas/diesel generators, will be required to communicate with utilities and system operators using communication protocols specified by the IEEE 1547 standard. While the application of data communication networks in this field is not new, the inclusion of data communication features in definition of a Distributed Energy Resource (DER) system makes data communication essential to the viability of the system. Accordingly, DER system installation companies are required to have personnel who know how to apply these technologies in a secure and reliable manner.
This course will provide individuals wishing to become network technicians in the energy business with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to install, configure, and operate DER networks on rooftop, commercial, and utility-scale energy generation systems.
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