SunSpec Alliance annual members meeting on January 31st and February 1st 2012 in Las Vegas.

Member NewsNewsSunSpec News
January 29, 2012

The SunSpec Alliance will be holding it’s annual members meeting on January 31st and February 1st 2012 in Las Vegas.  Our event will be located at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada and is open to all members and their guests.  The meeting is Co-located with the Solar-Power Generation USA Conference.   

SunSpec is dedicating 2012 as “The Year of the Customer” and members are strongly encouraged to invite their favorite EPC, IPP, Project Developer, or Project Owner to attend.  

Our agenda  will include guest speakers discussing new project opportunities that drive home the benefits of adopting standards.

SunSpec Alliance Member’s Summit

January 31 & February 1, 2012

Rio Hotel, Las Vegas

Tuesday January 31 – ROOM E-F

8-9 AM: SunSpec Logger workgroup meeting (optional)

10 AM: Day 1 of SunSpec Alliance Member’s Summit Begins

10-10:45 AM: State of the Alliance, Tom Tansy, Chairman, SunSpec Alliance 

10:45-11:00 AM: Break

11-11:45 AM: Annual Operational Update, John Nunneley, Executive Director, SunSpec Alliance

12 Noon: Working Lunch (provided)

12:15–12:45 PM: Integrating Solar PV and Storage in Smart Grids, Brad Roberts, Electricity Storage Association (ESA)

1-1:30 PM: New Specification Primer – SunSpec Extract Document, Brett Francis, Power-One

1:30-2 PM: New Specification Primer – SunSpec Logger, Lynn Linse, Digi International

2-2:15 PM: Break

2:15-3:15 PM: Member Updates 

•   Loggers – Bob Fox

•   Outback Power – Tim Shirley

•   Solectria Renewables – Scott Bowden

•   TEAL Electronics – Rogan Guild

•   Noveda – David Delcort

3:15-3:30 PM: Break

3:30-5 PM: Smart Energy Profile 2.0 Update and Lessons Learned in High Penetration Grids, Thomas Herbst, Silver Spring Networks

5 PM: Adjourn

7:00 PM: SunSpec Member’s Appreciation Dinner


Wednesday February 1 – ROOM O-P

8-9 AM: SunSpec Inverter Workgroup meeting (optional)

9 AM: Day 2 of SunSpec Alliance Member’s Summit Begins

9-9:30 AM: SunSpec Member’s Breakfast and Opening Remarks

9:30-10:00 AM: Sustaining Sustainability: Monitoring and Verification as the Basis for Sustained Municipal Investment in Renewable Energy, Joseph LaRusso Esq., City of Boston 

10-10:15 AM: Break

10:15-11:00 AM: Driving Best Practices & Standards in Solar PV:  SunSpec Whitepaper Presentation and Intro to Solar 3.0, Tom Tansy

11-11:30 AM: New Specification Primer – SunSpec Module, Yaron Binder, SolarEdge

11:30-12 Noon: Specification Workgroup Updates

•   SunSpec Inverter Control – Bill Randle, AE Solar Energy

•   SunSpec Logger Configuration – Lynn Linse, Digi International

12 Noon: Working Lunch (provided)

12:00-12:30 PM:  Renewables and Storage Integration Deep Dive,

Dr. Allen Hefner, U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology

12:30-1:00 PM:   Anti-Islanding Standards, Brian Seal, Electric Power Research Institute 

1:00-1:15 PM: Break

1:15-3 PM: Member Updates

•   Siemens – Laura Berland-Shane

•   Danfoss – Mark Haug, Director, Strategic Marketing

•   Obvius – Kyle Alexander

•   AE Solar Energy – Brent Cheldelin

•   Solar-Frontier – Ravi Menon

3-3:15 PM: Break

3:15-5 PM: Announcements and Technical Breakout Meetings

5PM: Wrap Up, Adjourn 


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