SunSpec Blockchain Work Group MEETING COORDINATE – SunSpec Alliance

February 28, 2020
SunSpec Blockchain Work Group Meeting
Every 2 weeks on Tuesday at 9am Pacific time

The charter of this work group is to create requirements for using blockchain technology to help secure connected devices used in the power grid and recommendations to governing entities on how the blockchain can be used. The result of this work group will be used to inform the development of a production blockchain. The development and governance of the production blockchain is out of scope of this work group.

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

Access Code: 761-718-013

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Meeting ID: 761 718 013
Or dial directly: 761718013@ or

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Organizer: Suzanne Martinez


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