SunSpec Cybersecurity Certification Work Group

SunSpec Cybersecurity Certification Work Group

Every year the U.S. commissions 1 million new DER systems, bringing us closer to a more resilient and decentralized power grid. However, the security profile of DERs remains ambiguous and could limit the usability of installed devices. Meanwhile, conflicts in Europe have increased the threat level for critical infrastructure and the power grid.

To enable DERs to reach their full potential and address growing threats, SunSpec is forming the Cybersecurity Certification Work Group to create a cybersecurity certification option for products receiving IEEE 2030.5 certification. To help make the program a reality, SunSpec is partnering with Lumian Foundation, a new consortium spun out of the SunSpec Blockchain Work Group.

Group Leaders

Project Leader(s):

Jörg Brakensiek, Co-Founder at Wivity Inc. and Technical Work Group chair for Lumian Foundation

Tom Tansy, CEO of DER Security Corp

SunSpec Representative:

Dylan Tansy, Executive Director


  • Develop a cybersecurity certification standard for DER devices that is based on real-world experience and the consensus of experts from SunSpec member companies. 
  • Answer the call to action to secure DERs that we all know is coming from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  • Lay the groundwork for launching the Lumian Network as a highly resilient blockchain for storing data related to the cybersecurity certification program


You must be a Contributing Member of the SunSpec Alliance or the Lumian Foundation to participate in this Work Group. Members may enroll through the Member Portal under ‘work groups’.

Click here to see if your company is already a member or click here to join the Alliance. If you have questions, contact

Meeting Time

This Work Group meets every other Tuesday at 9am PT. Meeting coordinates are provided on the standing calendar invite.

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