Register Here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunspec-mid-year-member-meeting-and-smart-inverterstorage-project-showcase-tickets-17506337928
This event has three sections and you are welcome to participate as much or as little as you like:
- 3:30 – 4:30: General member’s meeting and mid-year update. We will cover the events of the past six months including new technology and market developments (e.g. CA Rule 21), new initiatives (e.g. Solar Bankability), and new market opportunities. This is also a chance to let us know how the Alliance can best help you achieve your market objectives.
- 4:30 – 5:30: Smart Inverter & Storage Project Showcase. SunSpec has two contracts with the state of California to develop a standard, interoperable smart inverter and storage communication interface to support the roll out of the revised California Rule 21 interconnection regulation. In this section, you can participate in two interactive panel discussions with project leaders from the inverter, storage, smart grid, and utility sectors as they discuss the challenges and accomplishments of each project.
- 5:30 – 7:00: SunSpec networking and member appreciation event. Wrap up your Intersolar day with a drink and an engaging discussion about the convergence of distributed energy, information technology, and the market opportunities this mix brings.
Participation is limited so please book your ticket now. We look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.
1) Where exactly will the event be held?
The event will be held at the InterContinental Hotel in the Twin Peaks Room (4th Floor) with networking in the adjacent Pacific Terrace Foyer
2) Who should participate?
Financiers, Finance Executives, and Solar Project Developers interested in learning more about opportunities created by innovative financing standards for PV systems are cordially invited.
3) Do I need to be registered for the InterSolar Exhibition or Conference in order to attend this event?
No, you do not need to be registered.
4) What more can you tell me about the event? Can I talk to someone?
For any further details about this event, email us at events@sunspec.org
5) Can I invite co-workers from my company?
Yes, but they must register for the event. The event will begin with an hour-long meeting for SunSpec members only, but after 4:30pm anyone may attend.
6) What can you tell me about the SunSpec Alliance?
The SunSpec Alliance is a trade alliance of distributed energy industry participants, together pursuing information standards to enable “plug & play” system interoperability. SunSpec standards address operational aspects of PV power plants on the smart grid—including residential, commercial, and utility-scale systems—thus reducing cost, promoting technology innovation, and accelerating industry growth.
Register Here: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunspec-mid-year-member-meeting-and-smart-inverterstorage-project-showcase-tickets-17506337928
Contact events@sunspec.org with any further questions.