AlsoEnergy Collaborates with Inverter Manufacturers to Deliver SunSpec Certified™ Rule 21/IEEE 2030.5 Solutions – SunSpec Alliance

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July 29, 2020


Article Published by AlsoEnergy

As a SunSpec certified CSIP 2030.5 Aggregator, AlsoEnergy is approved to provide telemetry and SCADA solutions for Rule 21/IEEE 2030.5 projects. The company is now collaborating with several leading global inverter manufacturers as they seek CSIP certification for their devices in the SunSpec testing process. Inverters planning to utilize the Aggregator Model for Rule 21 operations must select a certified aggregator solution to complete the testing process; our technology is serving as both communications gateway and SCADA system in these tests, relaying data and commands between utility systems and inverters in the test environment.

SunSpec testing covered features outlined in Phase 2 and Phase 3 of Rule 21 including Dynamic Volt-Var, Fixed Power Factor, VoltWatt Schedules, and Limit Maximum Active Power Mode. AlsoEnergy technology has now demonstrated the ability to support telemetry and SCADA functionality for Rule 21 projects when paired with a variety of inverters from various manufacturers.

Pairing approved inverters from these manufacturers with a SCADA solution from AlsoEnergy gives you a compliant project today and a complete tested and proven solution for long-term compliance when actual Rule 21 operations commence. AlsoEnergy SCADA systems ensure that your project is future-proofed for Rule 21 operations, and of course give you access to the PowerTrack Platform with advanced software tools for performance analysis, alarm management, reports, CMMS, etc via remote desktop and mobile access.

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