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November 6, 2011


Engenuity now Carries Two Weather Stations that are SunSpec Certified

Chandler, AZ – October 28, 2011 – Engenuity Systems Inc. announced availability of a new SunSpec certified product line for solar and renewable energy customers. As one of the founding members of the solar standards organization, SunSpec Alliance, Engenuity hopes to actively contribute to the group’s success. During SunSpec’s recent Plugfest event, held in Pleasanton, CA October 4-5, Engenuity Systems became one of the first eight companies to certify their hardware as SunSpec compliant. Information on these products are as follows:

Engenuity ES-W100– Weather station that monitors solar panel energy efficiency. This model is the entry level weather station. It has sensors that are specific for PV power generation panels and has an integrated ambient air temperature sensor. It is low in cost, compact, preassembled, and easy to install.

Engenuity ES-W 300 – Commercial weather station that monitors solar plant energy efficiency.  The 300 model is the utility level weather station which includes ambient air temperature, wind speed, wind direction, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and rain gauge sensors. Like the 100 model, it is low in cost, preassembled, and easy to install, but also comes with a wireless communication transceiver for remote reporting – no hard wiring back to the main weather station is required!

A goal of SunSpec is to create a standard interoperable platform in which all solar related products can integrate seamlessly into one open and independent system. By creating such standards, the processes for manufacturing and installing solar panel systems can be streamlined, reducing overall costs.  Seeing the importance of this goal is one of the reasons Engenuity Systems became a founding SunSpec member.

“Getting products certified is a great step in the right direction for the SunSpec Alliance as a whole.  It truly validates the SunSpec standard movement.” says Tracy Markie, Engenuity president. “Engenuity is very familiar with and been involved with many standard organizations, through our background of 17 years in the building automation industry.  The SunSpec Alliance just makes sense as a great fit for us and we are excited to support the open platform for the solar industry and help continue to move it forward.”

Having a standard for products in the solar industry is an important step towards making this industry more viable. This will open the door to create better, smarter, and more cost effective products that will have a lasting impact on the industry. SunSpec is making great progress towards achieving its goal of open interoperability. Engenuity Systems is proud to not only be a member of the SunSpec Alliance but also proud to now carry products that are certified.

For more information on these products, visit www.engenuity.com

About Engenuity Systems

Engenuity Systems Inc. is the world’s largest supplier and value added reseller of networked control products. They have been supplying standard and custom products since 1994 and offer over 30,000 different products from over 100 manufacturers for energy management, energy renewables, building automation, and industrial controls. Engenuity’s in-house technical support, product testing, controls knowledge, industry experience, and personalized service set them apart from similar businesses. Information about the company and their products can be found at www.engenuity.com or by calling (800)375-3363 or (480)782-5600.

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