SunSpec Authorized Test Laboratories (SunSpec ATL) offer diverse skills to successfully fulfill interoperability, data communications and cybersecurity testing services. SunSpec ATLs include Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories (NTRLs) that specialize in IEEE 1547/UL 1741 SB testing and data communication specialists.
All SunSpec ATLs meet relevant international standards (for competency, equipment calibration, record keeping and business processes), and provide interoperability test results that are then certified by SunSpec.
If your company would like to become a SunSpec ATL, please contact
SunSpec Alliance Contributing Member companies and individuals drive standards in the renewable energy industry. By doing so, these companies accelerate the growth of the renewable energy economy by leveraging the benefits of automation, interoperability, economies of scale, and full participation in the smart grid.
SunSpec Authorized Test Software Providers deliver software solutions to DER device manufacturers to help them develop, test, and certify their products–including solar and battery inverters, EV chargers, and generators–to the IEEE 1547-2018, UL 1741, SunSpec Modbus, IEEE 2030.5, and IEEE 1815 (DNP3) standards.
DER Security Corp is the publisher of the DERSec LabTest family of software products and the SunSpec AHJ Registry service. The DERSec LabTest family includes: SunSpec Dashboard, a solution for developing SunSpec Modbus communication interfaces; DERSec LabTest Plus, a communication protocol test solution for certifying products to the SunSpec Modbus standard; and DERSec LabTest Pro, fully automated functional- and interoperability test solution for certifying DER devices to the IEEE 1547 and UL 1741 standards.
DERSec LabTest Pro provides interoperability drivers for SunSpec Modbus, IEEE 2030.5, and DNP3 and lab equipment drivers for an array of AC simulators, DC simulators, and power scopes.
We are proud to announce that QualityLogic, an industry leader in software testing tools and services, has officially joined us as the first SunSpec Authorized Test Software Provider. QualityLogic has been developing test tools for over three decades and is a proven partner in the Smart Energy sector. They were the first to develop IEEE 2030.5 test tools, starting in 2010. In 2018, QualityLogic became a key partner in developing the SunSpec CSIP test specification. The QualityLogic IEEE 2030.5 test tools were the first to implement the SunSpec CSIP CA Rule 21 test specification and are currently being used by leading test labs and vendors around the world.
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