Dear SunSpec Members and Supporters,
The DER industry asked for a smart energy revolution and guess what? We’ve got one unfolding in 2023:
• SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 V2G-AC Profile, developed in partnership with the Society of Automotive Engineering and published in final form in January 2023, will be ready for deployment. California has signaled its intention to do just that, making EV’s and EV charging equipment “just another Distributed Energy Resource (DER)” to be networked with IEEE 2030.5. What’s more, the SAE J3068 standard for medium duty/heavy duty vehicles integrates SunSpec Modbus and is also ready for adoption.
• By April of 2023, 30+ states will have adopted IEEE 1547-2018 into interconnection regulations which means that every DER provider in the market must have passed UL 1741 SB and must support at least one standard communication protocol.
• The Australia roll out of IEEE 2030.5 is accelerating at scale (well done mates!) and IEEE 2030.5 networks are being built in U.S. states (California, Texas, Hawaii, Pennsylvania), Canada, and Korea.
• The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), and the state of California have all indicated that they intend to implement cybersecurity regulations on DER in 2023. Anticipating this move, SunSpec and a consortium led by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are feverishly implementing a comprehensive cybersecurity certification program to meet or succeed any requirements they come up with.
There is so much activity and complexity due to a booming market precipitated by national mandates and the $369 Billion U.S. energy and climate bill that it is fortunate that SunSpec Alliance members can lean on each other for support, collaboration, education, and complete, multi-company customer solutions.
With this in mind, we hope you can join us on December 7-8, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada for the SunSpec Alliance Annual Member Meeting and DER Technology Conference.
In addition to making time for members to meet with each other, network, forge partnerships, and announce new products & services, we have a great agenda for you covering all the topics mentioned above. There’s no better place to be in winter than Las Vegas, and we’ve booked a fantastic venue at low cost (the brand-new, five-star Park MGM Hotel), so please take advantage of the opportunity. Click here to book a room in the SunSpec room block and secure a discounted rate!