SunSpec Ecosystem Newsletter May 2022 – SunSpec Alliance

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May 25, 2022

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Dear SunSpec Members and Followers,

As smart inverter and energy storage system manufacturers mobilize to achieve UL 1741 SB compliance by incorporating the SunSpec Modbus interface into their products, the SunSpec team is  busy at work building resources to support implementation teams. As a key part of this effort, the SunSpec Device Interface Work Group (formerly known as the SunSpec Modbus Work Group), has expanded its charter from defining specifications, to developing implementation best practices and technical support resources. One of those resources is the SunSpec Modbus for IEEE 1547-2018 Profile Specification and Implementation Guide, which defines the specific requirements for achieving IEEE 1547.1 interoperability as mandated in clause 6 of the IEEE specification.

On May 11th, the Work Group made further progress towards this goal by publishing important updates to the
SunSpec Device Information Model Specification and the SunSpec Modbus Conformance Test Procedures, which makes an implicit “read after write” requirement explicit and testable. To learn more about this development, please read this important update for manufacturers seeking UL 1741 SB compliance.

If you are a member of the SunSpec Alliance and wish to gain first-hand knowledge of SunSpec Modbus for 1547 implementation best practices by participating in the Device Interface Work Group, we encourage you to enroll via the Member Portal and attend the weekly meetings starting on June 9th. The objective of the work group will be to develop a best practice document that addresses: 

    • 1741/1547 testing using SunSpec Modbus (manufacturer perspective)

    • Mapping SunSpec Modbus to IEEE 2030.5 protocols in gateway applications

If your team is preparing for SunSpec Modbus for 1547 Certification as a means to expedite and improve your UL 1741 SB Certification process, now is an excellent time to join the SunSpec Alliance.

From now until June 30th, SunSpec will be offering new members 50% off of their first SunSpec Certification. Please contact to receive your special offer coupon code!

Kind Regards,

Tom Tansy

SunSpec Alliance

Important News for Manufacturers Seeking UL 1741 SB Compliance 

On May 11, SunSpec made updates to the SunSpec Device Information Model Specification and the SunSpec Modbus Conformance Test Procedures to make an implicit Modbus requirement explicit and testable. We recommend you review these changes.

In a nutshell, section 6.5 of the SunSpec Device Information Model Specification states:

“It is common practice with Modbus devices to perform a read operation after a write operation to verify that the values were successfully written.

When a read operation is performed, the values returned MUST reflect the values contained in the last write request that returned a successful response. The successful write and subsequent read of the values only confirms successful information exchange and does not imply any updates to operational behavior of the device associated with the information.”

A corresponding test procedure was added to the SunSpec Modbus Conformance Test Procedures. Section 2.4.4 (MOD-3 Point Write Verification) of this document states:

“This test validates that all implemented adjustable points in the model can be written and then read without delay. The value read must match the value that was written.”

Section defines the procedure for this test:

“Verify all implemented adjustable points can be written and then read without delay. An automated methodology must be used to perform the write and read sequence to reduce the delay as much as possible and to model typical device to device communication.”

Read the Implications

Australian Market Advisory Council Work Group

Attend the first official meeting of the SunSpec Australian Market Advisory Council Work Group. As a follow up to the kickoff meeting held last month, attendees of this event will be automatically invited to participate in the bi-weekly work group.

To learn more, email and view the work group page here.

Date: May 26, 2022 at 4 p.m. (PDT) / May 27, 2022 at 10 a.m. (AEDT)

Register Here!

SunSpec & Sandia DER Cybersecurity Webinar:

Defending America’s Rural Electrical Grids

About the NRECA program:

The National Rural Electric Cooperative Threat Analysis Center program emerged from the association’s ongoing cybersecurity work with the U.S. Department of Energy.

This effort includes the development the Rural Cooperative Cybersecurity Capabilities (RC3) Program, and $5M in new funding to continue developing and deploying sophisticated cybersecurity tools and tactics for the electric utility industry.

Speaker: Dr. Emma Stewart, Chief Scientist at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA)

Date: May 26, 2022 at 9 a.m. (PT)

Register Here!

SunSpec Cybersecurity Certification Work Group Kickoff Meeting

To enable DERs to reach their full potential and address growing threats, SunSpec is forming the Cybersecurity Certification Work Group to create a cybersecurity certification option for products receiving IEEE 2030.5 certification. To help make the program a reality, SunSpec is partnering with Lumian Foundation, a new consortium spun out of the SunSpec Blockchain Work Group.

Attend the first meeting on May 31st, 2022 to learn more about the SunSpec Cybersecurity Certification program and to contribute to what will be a vital resource for the DER industry.

Speaker: Jörg Brakensiek, Co-Founder at Wivity Inc. and Technical Work Group chair for Lumian Foundation

Date: May 31, 2022 at 9 a.m. (PT)

Register Here!

SunSpec & Sandia DER Cybersecurity Webinar:

Network Traffic Analysis with Malcom

Malcolm combines and enhances industry-standard network traffic capture and analysis projects in an easy to deploy, easy to use open source tool suite. Developer Seth Grover will outline how Malcolm can provide insight into network communications, particularly in OT networks.

Speaker: Seth Grover, Cybersecurity Researcher, Idaho National Lab

Date: June 23, 2022 at 9 a.m. (PT)

Register Here!

Connecting utilities with government, charge point operators, and fleets as North America ramps up its EV charging infrastructure roll out.

As EV adoption grows, utilities and other power generators are grappling with the issue of determining the power load needed to charge those vehicles, and how to forecast when—and where—that electricity will be needed. To deal with these new connections the grid infrastructure itself will also need to be upgraded.

At the same time governments, fleet owners and charging infrastructure installers are struggling to work with utilities to establish connections to the grid, navigate new energy charges and tariffs, and finance the energy and charging infrastructure to support EVs.

This two-day event will provide the energy sector and those installing and operating charge-points with insight into new solutions and technologies to manage demand, integrate renewable energy, and maintain the stability of the grid.

Date: June 21-22, 2022, Austin, Texas

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Certificate Number: CS-000049
Manufacturer: ShenZhen Lux Power Technology Co., LTD
Product Type: Aggregator
Products: Lux Power Management System


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Gain access to valuable information by becoming a Member of the SunSpec Alliance and joining a SunSpec Work Group. The work groups listed below are currently active and meeting to address the following objectives:

To prepare for the next generation of device integration, the SunSpec (Modbus) Device Interface work group is now working on a RESTful Web Services interface for devices that can be used as an alternative to the traditional Modbus interface.

The IEEE 2030.5 / SAE J3072 EV Charging Profile Work Group published the first draft of the IEEE 2030.5 V2G AC Profile for public comment in February 2022. This comment period closed at the end of March. The group is currently reviewing comments and plans to publish the specification to APPROVED in June 2022. 

The SunSpec & Sandia DER Cybersecurity Work Group has a full slate of monthly webinars on all aspects of DER security and has convened a sub-group to define requirements for an open source security-readiness assessment tool.

The SunSpec IEEE 2030.5 Conformance Profiles Work Group is now meeting to update the testing procedures for all profiles. 

The SunSpec Rapid Shutdown Work Group is refining test procedures and working on a collaborative marketing program to spread the word about open standards.

SunSpec is inviting companies that serve the Australian market to come discuss the most pressing concerns of the rapidly growing Australian DER market and contribute to the proposed formation of the SunSpec Australian Market Advisory Council. Among other items, the mission of this work group will be to launch the SunSpec 2030.5 CSIP-AUS Certification Program. 

To enable DERs to reach their full potential and address growing threats, SunSpec is forming the Cybersecurity Certification Work Group to create a cybersecurity certification option for products receiving IEEE 2030.5 certification. To help make the program a reality, SunSpec is partnering with Lumian Foundation, a new consortium spun out of the SunSpec Blockchain Work Group.

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SunSpec Alliance™ is the information standards and certification organization for the Distributed Energy Resource (DER) industry.

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